it’s time to upgrade your workouts with ERW

the power of molecular hydrogen for athletes and fitness professionals

Your body is made up of over 70% water, shouldn’t you make sure that it’s the best water on the planet?



Reduces lactic acid levels

Supports mitochondrial ATP production for increased energy and focus

Improves cognitive function, even while under stress

Reduces muscle fatigue


Improved cardiovascular function and post exercise heart rate

Prevents metabolic acidosis associated with exercising

Promotes increased muscular endurance

Improves VO2max

Improve blood flow and microcirculation


Supports rapid recovery, post-training

Helps recovery from soft tissue injuries

Up regulates the body's own endogenous antioxidants to improve recovery

Improve recovery from delayed onset muscle soreness

Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) also known as hydrogen water or alkaline ionized water is your missing piece for optimal hydration, performance, endurance, and recovery. ERW is created through the process of electrolysis, turning your filtered tap water in alkaline hydrogen rich water.

The slight alkalinity increases cellular absorption for enhanced hydration, while the essential minerals and molecular hydrogen provide superior benefits not found in any other water on the market. Molecule hydrogen is a highly selective antioxidant, neutralizing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, and is currently being studied for its therapeutic uses.


With over 400,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies on PubMed, molecular hydrogen is strongly supported by scientific research.

Effects of hydrogen rich water on prolonged intermittent exercise

Conclusion: Two weeks of HRW intake may help to maintain PPO in repetitive sprints to exhaustion over 30 minutes.

Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on muscle fatigue caused by acute exercise in elite athletes

Conclusion: Adequate hydration with hydrogen-rich water pre-exercise reduced blood lactate levels and improved exercise-induced decline of muscle function.

Molecular hydrogen in sports medicine: new therapeutic perspectives

Conclusion: hydrogen therapy may be an effective and specific innovative treatment for exercise-induced oxidative stress and sports injury, with potential for the improvement of exercise performance.


Watch this short video to hear why top athletes drink electrolyzed reduced water


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