why your ‘SMART’ goals aren’t working

and how to fix them

I used to live by SMART goals… when I was playing it safe. But if you’re anything like me you’re not here to play it safe. You’re here to push the limits of what’s possible and shake things up. You’ve outgrown the box society put you in. You’ve got big exciting dreams that will leave a positive mark on the world, that also scare the sh!t out of you. You’re ready to stop playing small.


First I want to preface this with: the traditional model, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Time Bound, isn’t wrong. In fact parts of it can be very useful when you you’re establishing the stepping stones along the path of your larger vision. But when it comes to dreaming big and playing full out the traditional model can’t hang, and here’s why:

  • Specific

    I 100% agree that it’s important to be specific when setting a goal. Lack of specificity leads to lack of clarity on how to actually achieve your goal which leads to lack of action. However being too specific can limit you in seeing opportunities to actual create what you desire because they didn’t fit into the box you created.

  • Measurable

    Measurability is key for tracking success when it comes to tangible goals. For example, I want to lose 10 lbs is a stronger goal than I want to lose weight because you have an end point that defines your progress and success. But what about goals pertaining to the Self? How do you measure your progress and success when you’re no longer the same person you were when you set the goal. How do you measure when you’re constantly evolving and experiencing all there is to be human? Not all goals are black and white, and that’s ok.

  • Achievable & Realistic

    These are the two that I have the most issues with because both of these define limits that don’t actually exist. History has shown us time and again that the extraordinary exists outside the limits of what we think is possible. Do you think Roger Bannister who ran the first four minute mile or Neil Armstrong who became the first person to walk on the moon had “achievable” or “realistic” goals at the time? Heck no, they dreamed big and they didn’t let what most believed to be impossible stop them from achieving their dreams. And you’re not going to either.

  • Relevant

    Obviously you want your goal to align with your greater vision and who you want to be or else what is that point? But it’s also important to note that what you want right now with your current mindset might not be what you want when you become the next version of yourself.

  • Time Bound

    Having a deadline is great if you’re the type of person that thrives on deadlines. But if you’re not, making a goal time bound is only going to hyper stress you out making it harder to actually focus on your goal.


Let’s redefine traditional SMART goals so you can stop playing small and reach for the damn stars. Let’s goooo

  • Scalable

    The second you make the conscious decision to change your life you are no longer the same person you were before that decision. You’ve set the wheels in motion to become the person you need to be to live the wildly fulfilling life of your dreams and you’ll continue to evolve as you get closer to hitting your goals. What you will find in that process is that the outcome you desire might look different that you what you initially though you wanted. So while it’s important to be somewhat specific so you know what you’re working towards, its crucial to set goals that are flexible and able to grow with you or else you’ll be chasing the dreams of a person you no longer are anymore.

  • Motivational

    The biggest reason people don’t accomplish their goals is because change is hard. It’s easier to keep doing what you’ve been doing because even if you don’t like the current outcome, you at least know what you're going to get and your nervous system like the familiar even it its uncomfortable. This is why is imperative that you know WHY you want what you want. What is not achieving this goal going to cost you? Your ‘why’ will keep you going when the going gets tough, and if you’re setting big goals things will inevitably get tough (ps this is a good this because it means you’re getting close).

  • Aligned

    Your goals should serve your greater vision, the person you desire to be, and the lifestyle you desire to live or else what’s the point? And as long as your goal is flexible enough that is growing with you and your desires then it will be aligned. Seriously, stop wasting your precious time on things that aren’t moving you towards the life you truly desire.

  • Rewarding

    If you’re not happy with a certain aspect of your life, which if you're setting goals, that's very likely the case then you at least know what you don't want. But your brain doesn't work in negatives, so if you keep telling yourself you don’t want to work in your job anymore then your brain is going to keep directing your energy and focus to your job because that is what you're telling it to focus on. Its ok if you don’t know exactly what you desire, this is actually a good thing because being too specific can result in missing out on opportunities because they didn’t fit into the tiny box you created for your big goal. But, you want your goal to move you towards what you want and not just away from what you don’t want.

  • Transformational

    The sooner you realize that your goals aren’t actually about the goal, but about you, your entire world will change. You're not just losing 20 pounds, you’re building healthy habits and becoming the person that prioritizes their health. You're not just putting an extra $10,000 in your savings, you’re becoming the person that has an expansive relationship with money. So the goal isn’t about getting from point A to point B. Your goal is about becoming the person you need to be to arrive at point B, or else you’ll just find yourself right back at point A chasing the same dream and never actually achieving what you desire.


If money, time, and location did not limit you in any capacity what would your perfect “every day” look like, but more importantly how would it feel?

Take some time to activate your senses while visualizing every little detail of this perfect (yes, I know I said your goals shouldn’t be too specific, but by vividly imagine your perfect day in extreme detail with all of your senses you are embedding this vision in your subconscious will help you make more decision in alignment with your desires moving your towards this lifestyle). If you need help check out my Perfect Day visualization at the link below.

Revisit this practice often so that your vision stays in alignment with your desires and the person you desire to be.

Allow yourself to feel how good it feels to experience your perfect day with all of your senses.

Once you have your vision, create a list of bite size goals that will allow you to achieve that vision. Statistically, 80% of your outcomes come from 20% of causes meaning that 80% of your vision can be achieved by doing only 20% of the things on your list. Which goals on your list excite you the most, but also scare you the most. Start there.

Dream big, my friend. And then make it bigger.


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